We have seen a distinct rise in the number of people who have began walking for exercise. It is a daily occurrence in our store to have someone talking about the beautiful trails and vistas which make you stop and stare and keep them motivated to get out everyday.”

 David Chaffey, President
 National Shoe Ltd.



Walking and hiking trails are popular tourism attractions; they contribute to real estate value; they preserve the environment; they are a vital link for students to downtown amenities; and they promote a healthy lifestyle for its users. Corner Brook Stream Trail Network is certainly an asset to our community, however, the commitment and cost of maintaining the trail network is significant. The CBSDC has the following fundraising goals:

  1. To successfully fundraise in all potential markets in support of the mission of the Corner Brook Stream Development Corporation.
  2. To seek out and utilize funding for investment in projects and to facilitate partnerships that integrates the Corner Brook Stream Trail system into the social, economical and cultural fabric of the Western Region.



Taking a stroll along the Corner Brook Stream Trail is an enjoyable experience with due regard to a trail support system that works behind the scenes. As a member of the Corner Brook Stream Trail your financial contribution will alleviate some of the costs associated with duties such as:

  • Garbage Collection.
  • Purchase and replace doggie bags.
  • Brush cutting, clearing debris.
  • Shoveling and salt/sand stairs during winter months.
  • Painting and maintaining benches and rest areas.
  • Planting flowers and trees.
  • Mowing grassy areas.

Remember your loved one in the heart of the City.

As a non-profit. Charitable organization, fundraising is key to the sustainability of the organization and the trail system. The memorial donation program enables individuals and groups to memorialize veterans, colleagues and loved ones by means of purchasing infrastructure such as benches, plaques, bricks, and trees.   Your gift to honor a loved one will also enable the organization to offset developmental costs associated with the beautification of the trail system and thus our community. The following is a list of memorial products we offer:

Memorial Trail Markers   $450.00
Memorial trail markers are placed on cement cylinder forms and may placed anywhere along the trail. It’s a quiet reminder for your loved one.

Memorial Trees         $900.00
Donors have a choice of several ornamental hardwood species such as Maple and Flowering Crab. Other species may be considered.
Memorial Benches      $900.00
Made “in house”, the memorial bench may be placed at various locations on the trail. Existing benches can be memorialized along with new benches that are placed as required.

Memorial Picnic Tables      $900.00
There are a limited number of picnic table locations available. Please contact the CBSDC for more information.

For more information on our Memorial Program call 709 639 9266 or email christine@cbstream.com.



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